Just a snake game. OOP style. Multiple difficulty levels, many grid sizes.
My first app, wrote it after studying Headfirst Javascript book.
- Took months. Everything was new to me.
- Prevent slowdowns:1
- As simple as possible:1
- Prioritize:1
- Track progress & adapt:1
What went well:
- Learned enough & persistend long enough to complete the project
What went poorly:
- Took months
- Most of the things a newbie could do wrong:
no tasks,
no roadmap,
no contingencies,
no prototype'ing.
- Just dived right into it and sank for months
Root causes:
- First app, inexperienced.
Next time:
- Next time I am inexperienced at doing a given thing and it's complex, I'll take it much more gradually, many more steps in between point A and point B
How can I do it all better:
- In terms of learning new and complex abilities: at least try to be aware that there are always shoreter and longer pays to be good at looking for the shorter ones
- There are many types of struggling, some of them are much more effective at yielding improvement, than others
- It pays to be skilled at looking for those types that are most effective
- In fact, it pays even more to have a framework for doing so, so that you find the best types of struggling, that give the best learning and growthh rates for you as a software developer